Crystal Animal, Dog Figurine, Mighty Fortune (Wealth)
The Collection: Longing for a Pure Existence (Year of the Dog) |
Design Concept: This glasswork of a Chinese Year of the Dog zodiac was originally designed by the inspiration of paper-cut floral designs. Complexities in craftsmanship reflect a seamless blending of fur with flower in this opulent piece, blooming with detail and color. While the design concept maintains its rich aesthetic, the impression left by the artwork is one of companionship and partnership. The subjects in Mighty Fortune communicate a compassion and tenderness here that elevate the meaning of wealth in a way that pure ornamentation alone could not. This crystal glass piece expresses both wealth as well as kindness—because fortune means nothing without partnership. The bellflower found on the artwork symbolizes gratitude, unchanging love and honesty. 姿态威武目光炯炯前方,带来一片生机锦绣作品一大一小两只狗,身披锦绣繁花,雕塑的处理中,无论是狗狗的毛发还是身上的团花纹样,刻画繁复精致,令作品整体视觉充满华美的视觉。两只狗狗相互依偎,大狗表情坚定威风,小狗则一脸温馨的相偎身边,两者的互动亲密、表情自然,致敬这世间的坚实情义和感恩之情。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |