Crystal Dragon Lion, Auspicious Suan Ni, A Dance for Two
The Collection: Directional Clarity | Mythical Creatures Design Concept: A Dance for Two features two Suan Ni (Dragon's Fifth son) moving in unison. Both lion and dragon, this mythical beast most often appears seated and according to legend is said to possess great power and patience. Suan Ni often appeared on the roof ridges of imperial buildings along with the dragon, phoenix, lion, celestial horse, auspicious seahorse. The large Suan Ni turns around with a commanding gaze trained on the small ones. Never losing sight of each other, they are united for the greater good. 《共舞美时光》,是两只大小的狻猊,凝视与互动,神态祥和,寓有和谐和美,并有提携与传承照顾之意,适合于企业赠礼。 狻猊是中国古代神话传说中龙生九子之一,型如狮,为传说中神兽,具大威力。在中国古建筑的岔嵴上,都装饰有一些小兽,这在中国宫殿建筑史上是独一无二的,显示了至高无上的重要地位。 狻猊的雕塑先取其神,再取其形。大狻猊回转而视,神情威严却不离对小狻猊的凝视。大小两者不分彼此,同心通力,蓄势勃发,定展宏图大业。在雕塑和色彩表现方面,突显了琉璃厚薄对比,两体虽为同色系,但丝丝晕染的琉纹,呈现出丰富的色彩渐层与自然过渡,实为工艺师积累多年的经验方可完成。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |