Design Concept:
The dragon winds and spirals upward, making it the longest dragon figure in the series of the Dragon Year artworks. This creation emphasizes the element of water, dedicating refined craftsmanship to the glass dragon. Within the sculpture, one can perceive that "supreme good is like water." Subtly incorporated into the background (base), the dragon, as the main subject, is accentuated, displaying the majestic demeanor of a divine dragon, embodying benevolence and grandeur. In the principles of Feng Shui, water is held in the highest regard, followed by the harnessing of wind. All living things are inseparable from water. The ancients believed that water is the source of all convergence; humans are born from water, and water determines one's constitution and character. Due to water's significant impact on life, Feng Shui greatly emphasizes it. Regarding rivers as water dragons, it's said that water can gather energy (Qi气). Once one attains this Qi, vitality is achieved, leading to prosperity and success.
龙身蟠绕,顺势而上,是龙年系列作品中龙身最长的一件,由龙行踏浪遐想日出江海,画外之意的无尽天地,象征典藏者非同凡响的精神世界;此创作强调水的元素,精炼奉献琉璃之龙,在雕塑中可以看见,上善若水,隐于背景(底座),突出龙作为主体,得以呈现神龙之姿,仁心威仪。风水之法,得水为上,藏风次之, 万物的生长都离不开水。古人认为,水是万汇之根源,人由水生,水决定人的体质和品性。正因为水对人们的生活有很大的影响,所以风水重视水,以江河为水龙,说水能聚气,人一旦得气就获得了生机,就会兴旺发达。