Crystal Decor, Cauliflower, Tranquil Resplendence
The Collection: ENRICH Design Concept: Perhaps the most dynamic and vivacious artwork of the Enrich collection, “Tranquil Resplendence” is a quiet and powerful dance of simple colors. The collection speaks to a classical Chinese tradition of revering the land and its riches. This piece does so in a pirouette of jade-greens and cloudy lusters. While maintaining its lifelike features (such as seen in the auspicious cauliflower) the piece follows the strong Loretta H. Yang-like proclivity for balancing realism with abstraction as manifested in the lush green whirl of leaves and petals. “Tranquil Resplendence” may symbolize both wealth and beauty, as such it brings positive energy to one’s home. 遵循自然,咏叹丰沛的生命力琉璃工房的敬意,是献给这片土地。大地无言,承担一切,给予的,只有美好。是人间平实的关怀,和最应感念的坚实。写实手法,表现一颗花菜,外部叶片柔软弯曲,似乎空中飘拂的舞袖,又似可人的花篮,延展了观赏的情趣,和送礼的美观性。内部果实,极细致地雕琢,每一颗颗粒、颜色,近乎真实;底座通透,托起作品,是最大的诚意献给开放的生命。作品透过朴实蔬菜的造型引人思考:寓意生命的辉煌,从来都不拒绝平凡人生,拥有包容的心态,会让人感觉到生命的安详和幸福。
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |