LIULI Crystal Deer Statue, Song of Triumph
Design Description: In Song of Triumph, this statue features six deer, six symbols, and six names: Health, Longevity, Wisdom, Life, Cooperation, Career. They move towards one goal, that of the greater good, and offers itself as the perfect gift to inspire this season. Under the full moon, six deer move in unity upon the waves of the wind. The leader is proud, confident, upholder of morale, and stamina. This creation paints the picture of success, the picture of a united team. It is also technically challenged because it took several drafts to capture the interconnectedness between the deer as it is the key feature to convey the spirit of a team united in heart and mind. 圆满的琉璃月光下,六头鹿,齐心同向,乘风破浪。领航者神态昂扬、坚定自信,团队成员信念保持、动力十足,动态里仿佛一齐唱响着胜利的歌声,奔向前方。一个成功团队该有的样子,在作品《胜利之歌》上全然表达出来。在造型艺术的领域,群像的塑造不同于单一形象的表达,通过每一个角色,完成共性的营造,作品呈现的精神感染力也更为强烈。《胜利之歌》在创作中,反復设计调整,画面中每一头鹿的互动关联,体现出“你我一心,信念一致”的团队奋斗精神。 |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |