Crystal Flower, Peony, Floral Occupation
The Collection: The Compulsion To Bloom Belongs To All That is Beautiful Design Concept: Bursting forth from the multifaceted textures of rugged terrain is a powder-crystal peony. Its soft yellow glow hides the nature of its remarkable resilience. Traditionally known to be delicate and demure, the peony surprises here with an air of sheer determination. In lieu of nature’s astounding resilience, this crystal glass sculpture captures a persistent peony weaving its tendrils into a mountain cliff. The artwork reflects the persistence necessary in daily life to blossom as beautifully as the softly glowing peony flower. 在传统的观念里,牡丹富贵而娇美,但此款作品不同,牡丹在山岩上,不畏惧的迸发,完成一次完美逆袭。作品牡丹花朵的大与小,澄澈的色彩与绚丽的花朵,牡丹枝蔓的缠绕与岩石的刚硬,抛光的平滑与岩石般的肌理之间,都形成了重重对照,延展了观赏的情趣,是作品在雕塑和设计上的一大亮点。自然中的牡丹,娇艳欲滴,此款琉璃牡丹也经过反复的试烧,让作品呈现出了饱满而浓郁的色彩,也将牡丹的清贵傲骨和铮铮意志显露无疑,让作品从传统意义上的自然颂歌,升华为对伟大意志的赞颂。嶙峋陡峭处,生命的意志,在险峻之处回转,一个繁花似锦的春天,绽放。
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |