Crystal Sake Glass, Shot Glass, Auspicious Moon
Design Concept: Mooncakes symbolize the Mid-Autumn season and are widely loved by people of all ages. Our liuli mooncakes glasses represent an extension of the seasonal blessings and mark the wondrous and fulfilling and season. These delicate glasses can be used for white wine, huangjiu (yellow wine), mijiu (rice wine) and other alcohols; it can also be used as a small catchall. This “drinkable mooncake” forges a strong connection between the gifter and recipient in this moment and into the next. 月饼作为中秋节的时令象征,因其美好的寓意,一直以来深受不同年龄层客户的广泛喜爱。琉璃材质的月饼杯,延续祝福,定格美好圆满的时刻。小酒杯的器型,可以饮用白酒、黄酒、米酒等小酌酒类,也可作为小巧的容器,放置小物件。这款「可以喝的月饼」,礼物连接起双方的深情厚谊,不仅在此刻,更在时时刻刻。 造型圆满的琉璃雕花杯,第一眼即令人爱不释手。如满月一样饱满温润,底部以图腾化演绎了一个「吉」字。杯子小巧精緻,轻松手持,适合小酌怡情。杯壁内侧光滑平整,不损美酒风味;外侧雕刻有装饰线条,使用时增强握感,不易滑落,也可作为装饰物欣赏,如一枚金黄月饼,增添了佳节的趣味与谈资,是一款令人印象深刻的文化创意礼物。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |