Design Description:
Five elements: Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.
Five directions: Dragon of the East, Tiger of the West, Phoenix of the South, Xuanwu of the North, and Qilin of the Center.
Azure Dragon represents the element wood, the eastern direction, the spring season, and the ability to readily grasp the overall situation.
White Tiger represents the element gold, the western direction, and autumn. This mythical creature also functions as a virtuous god of war who supports the righteous and punishes the wicked, and who bestows a variety of blessings, including safety, wealth, and conjugal bliss.
Vermillion Bird represents the element fire, the southern direction, and summer, and is popularly associated with Fenghuang (Phoenix), which was born in a south-facing valley at the South Pole, and symbolizes talent and lofty aspirations. Vermillion Bird is said to bring peace, progeny, and prosperity.
Black Tortoise is a mythical figure consisting of a turtle entwined by a serpent. Also known as Black Warrior, this auspicious creature represents the element water, the northern direction, winter, health, and longevity.
The Qilin represents the element earth and the central position, and is frequently depicted in yellow; hence it is also known as the Golden Qilin. The lifespan of this mythical creature is said to be two thousand years. The male is called qi, and the female lin; both are a composite of a deer, horse, cow, and fish. The Qilin is noted for its gentle disposition, and is so benevolent that it carefully avoids treading on greenery of any kind. A traditional symbol of prosperity, the Qilin is said to bring bumper crops and progeny.
五行,金、木、水、火、土, 是万物生成根本, 天地宇宙,依此相生相衍,相辅相成。
五方,东、南、西、北、中,空间与时间的结合, 顺应天地四时的循环往復。
青龙, 五行属木,代表东方的灵兽,为青色的龙,代表的季节是春季。东方为青色,因而给东方的龙称之为青龙。东方也是太阳升起之处,象徵青云直上, 步步高昇,及握天下之大局之意。
白虎,五行为金, 代表西方的灵兽,形象是一只白色的虎,对应的季节为秋季。白虎是司掌兵戈的战神,具有避邪、禳灾、祈丰及惩恶扬善、发财致富、喜结良缘等祝福 。
朱雀, 五行属火, 代表南方的神兽,代表的颜色是红色,代表的季节是夏季。《山海经》云:『凤凰生于南极之丹穴』,丹穴是丹山、为朝阳之谷,凤凰生于丹山,故名丹凤,因此为丹凤朝阳,喻为高而志远,也可以比喻高才逢良时。见到牠大吉大利、地方安宁、子孙盛昌,而朱既是朱红色、方位对应南方,代表喜庆吉利。
玄武,玄武是一种由龟和蛇组合成的一种灵物,又可称龙龟或龟蛇,五行属水, 代表北方的灵兽,形象是黑色,代表季节是冬季,为祥瑞与健康长寿的象徵。
麒麟, 五行属土, 方位对应中央、麒麟属黄,亦称黄金麒麟。麒麟是中国古代神话传说中的神兽,据说能活两千年。雄的名麒,雌的名麟,合称麒麟,集结鹿、马、牛、鱼等吉祥动物美好象徵于一身,性情温和,不伤人畜,不践踏花草,故称为仁兽,麒麟使天地年年五谷丰收;又麒麟送子,代表代代兴旺。