LIULI Crystal Chinese Vessel, Ding, Unity(United, we achieve the extraordinary)
The Collection: Vessel, Chinese Culture Ding Design Concept: Elegant blue tones inspired by the sky and water evoke peace and spirituality, while the cloud-and-thunder pattern, a nod to Shang and Zhou dynasty artifacts, reflects ancient prayers for good weather and abundance. Perfect for home or office décor, this piece blends visual elegance with deep cultural symbolism, enhancing any space with a touch of tradition and meaning. It embodies teamwork, mutual support, and harmonious partnerships, featuring dignified elephant motifs that symbolize prosperity, stability, and success. 这件作品以现代造型和色彩突破传统鼎的形象,展现出轻盈与现代气质,重新解读传统鼎文化,传递万象更新的寓意。大象在传统文化中象征正直、力量与秩序,作品中三只大象合力托举,寓意事业伙伴间的合作与激励。云雷纹源自对自然现象的崇拜,象征雷雨滋润大地,寓意延续与生生不息。作为历史悠久的经典图腾,云雷纹在商周青铜器中广泛应用,变化复杂。通过独特视角,作品将传统文化与现代艺术结合,让观者在欣赏美的同时,感受到深厚的文化内涵。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |