LIULI Crystal Guanyin, Lotus within The Truth of Dharma
The Collection: Guanyin Collection |
Design Description: Guanyin, also known as "Tara Bosatsu," originates from the Buddhist figure "Supreme Mother of Compassion." She was originally "Princess Zhi Yue" of the "World of Multitudes of Light," who after enduring countless tribulations, attained Buddhahood and became the savior of all beings. Her image is elegant, with a high chignon, garlands, and flowing robes, symbolizing boundless compassion and nobility. Holding a lotus flower, her gentle smile conveys inner harmony and serenity, showcasing her power to guide beings through suffering. The lotus, symbolizing the pure state of Buddhism, reminds people that with firm faith and a compassionate heart, one can attain a life of joy, freedom, and harmony, even in the face of life's impermanence. This image of Guanyin emphasizes compassion and wisdom, embodying the essence of Buddhist teachings and offering spiritual refuge to countless followers. 观音,亦称「多罗菩萨」,源自佛教中的「至尊度母」,她原是「众光世界」的「智月公主」,经历无数劫难,最终修成佛,普度众生。她的形象华丽,头发高髻,佩戴璎珞,衣带飘动,突显她的尊贵与美丽,象征悲愿无边。手捧莲花,眉宇含笑,传达圆融与安详,展现她慈悲的力量,能引导众生跨越苦难,从中获得智慧与光明。莲花作为圣物,不仅象征佛教的清净境界,也启示人们在面对生命的无常与苦难时,只要持有坚定的信念与悲悯之心,便能拥有圆满的快乐、自在与祥和人生。这样的观音形象,强调了慈悲、智慧和生命的圆满,是佛教精神的象征,也是无数信徒的心灵依托。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |