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Crystal Animal, Mice, Mouse, Zodiac-Year of the Rat, Come Fortune


The Collection: Chinese Zodiac Animals in Bright Florals | Year of the Rat

Design Concept:

This crystal glass figure of the mouse (or rat) zodiac, titled “Come Fortune,” is an artwork of the first of the Chinese astrology calendar.  Although commonly associated in Western cultures with being sneaky, the rat is in fact a witty animal characterized by alertness, delicateness and vitality.  Adorable and almost comical, it is adorned with traditional Chinese paper-cutting artwork patterns.  Each art piece is uniquely handcrafted, varying most with color and playing with light on any tabletop.  Well suited for birthday occasions or simply celebrating someone’s birth year, the message the zodiac artwork sends is as sincere and as transparent as the glasswork itself.

来宝,长着一副美食家的身材,圆滚滚、胖乎乎,是名副其实的大胃王。小老鼠机灵、可爱,长着一对大耳朵,夸张的耳朵造型,突出了它耳听八方的本领,总能捕捉第一手消息。小老鼠的两只耳朵分别饰有宝相花,寓意富贵吉祥。 来宝,取招财进宝之意。


Come Fortune (Mice, Rat)

Chubby cheeks and perked ears,
I emerge from the morning light,
The first of twelve brave animals.

A clever and nimble cutie,
I am a natural born epicurean.

Hey, who moved my cheese?

来宝 (鼠)




Item No.:


Size (L×W×H):

9.8*6.2*6.5 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre

Limited Edition:

5,000 pieces (Worldwide)

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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* Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied).

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