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Crystal Rooster Figurine, Your Propitious Highness (Good Fortune)


The Collection: Awaken the First Ray of Sunlight 

Design Concept: 

This handcrafted studio glasswork expresses the lighthearted and fulfilled nature of the rooster.  It is vivacious and reminiscent of carefree delight.  Your Propitious Highness reminds one of the joys of good food, a friendly demeanor, and plenty of energy despite its size and appearance.  This piece symbolizes joy and a free-minded spirit.

雄赳赳!挺起胸膛叫太阳!天天早上,一唱天下白的司号官!  鸡冠立起、尖喙张开、眼睛瞪的大大,尾羽高耸,漂亮礼服穿的挺括又精神。胸膛挺起,深深吸足一口气,然后……喔喔喔~~~~造型夸张可爱,表现出他的自信和努力。


Your Propitious Highness

Do not laugh at my shape -
this is the look of fulfillment.
My joy sends peals of laughter
up to the heavens.
Fortune can not escape me for
a champion can not fall.
Look at me -
every step a step of great auspiciousness.


别笑我 肚儿圆
乐呵呵 向天歌
看我 步步大吉祥


Design Ref. No.:


Size (L×W×H):

8*4*9.1 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre

Limited Edition:

5,000 pieces (Worldwide)


* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.


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Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award

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* Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied).

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