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LIULI Crystal Ruyi, Magpie, Harmony, Auspiciousness Doubled


The Collection: Ruyi 

Design Concept

This artwork is inspired by the Begonia 海棠 (hai-tang in Chinese). The second character in the Chinese name for Begonia flower, is a homophone for the word 堂 (tang), which is used to mean “home” or “hall.” As such, when the design is within the home, it carries the blessing of a “home filled with wealth.” Then there are two magpies which symbolize fortune, one above and one below, representing auspiciousness added atop auspiciousness.

There are four fruits and vegetables, each with their own meaning: (1) grapes come in bundles and strings, each round and sweet. (2) Lychee, which in Chinese sounds like the word for “advantage,” signifies the Chinese idiom meaning “large gains from a small investment” which makes it an appropriate gift for entrepreneurship or business purposes. If the gift is for a wedding, lychee also sounds similar to “bearing child,” which carries the blessing of a large family. (3) Pomegranates carry as many seeds as they do blessings, and their fruits come in bundles, indicating cooperation and unity. (4) Pumpkins, which are also referred to as “golden gourds,” represent plentiful wealth and gold. 

这件作品的轮廓,像四片花瓣的造型,取自中国纹样中的海棠纹;常见于中式古典园林的镂空花窗,且「棠」与 「堂 」谐音,陈设家中寓意「满堂富贵」。设计取的是一柄如意的柄首部分,俗称如意头。如意被图腾化,东西南北四象限对称均分,拥有东方美学里大气规整的审美。喜鹊有两只,一上一下,寓意喜上加喜。


Auspiciousness Doubled

Heaven and earth
resound in harmony,
converging in fulfillment
like birds clustered on a branch
drawn to luck and fortune.



Item No.:


Size (L×W×H):

11.6*3.5*11.8 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre

Limited Edition:

3,350 pieces (Worldwide)

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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* Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied).

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