Crystal Animal, Whale, Honor the Heavens, Love all Humankind, There is Nothing to Fear
Design Description: The power of the whale rising from the waves into the sunlight is captured in this sculpture. As the whale rises, it brings with it energy from the depths of the ocean and its very soul, creating a sum greater than its parts. Extending from sea to sky, liuli as a medium is boundless which makes it ideal for capturing the vastness of the world we live in. Immense power amplified, rippling outward into every heart. This piece is suitable for sending appreciation of strength, perseverance and resilience. 鲸鱼破浪而起而与阳光产生的光晕,这是琥珀透这件作品想要表逹意像,同一件作品里,这一件利用琥珀的中心颜色,来传逹一种突破之后的力量的荣耀,突出鲸鱼本身,承载一切,潜入海的最深处而激发的瞬间力量,是从自身发出的奉献及贡献,因为自身巨大而闪耀出更大的影响力,无限延伸而而天地,大海渐变透明,而透明的琉璃使整件作品没有边界,力量无限的放大再放大,照拂到每一处每个人心。 蓝色的鲸鱼紫黑色的边,表现的是大空间里的即使自身巨大也在天地里显的渺小,而对自然世界产生的敬畏之心;另一件紫红色的鲸鱼,晕开的琥珀的光芒,则将鲸鱼变成主角,巨大力量的凌跃其实是高高的举起一个旗帜,不是为了自身,而是希望尽自己去影响这个世界,付出,利他。 突出鲸鱼本身,承载一切,潜入海的最深处而激发的瞬间力量,是从自身发出的奉献及贡献,因为自身巨大而闪耀出更大的影响力,无限延伸而而天地,大海渐变透明,而透明的琉璃使整件作品没有边界,力量无限的放大再放大,照拂到每一处每个人心。 推荐此件作品可作为赠与升官、转职、调职之场合;或商家扩点、开业志庆等企业赠礼。
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |