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Crystal Treasure Vase, Feng Shui, Dragon of Water Element, Dragon Rising Baoping


The Collection: Emergence of the Dragon

Design Concept:

Perhaps the most exquisitely balanced piece of the collection is the “Dragon Rising Baoping” (treasure vase). With arduously achieved asymmetry and a gorgeous flowing movement, this crystal glass artwork perfectly exemplifies the “water element” dragon it depicts. Like the tide ebbing and flowing, or the river coursing and resting, the piece’s dynamic dragon moves in and out of the design, emerging righteously. LIULI artists decorate the uniquely shaped mouth-blown crystal vase use sheets with glimmering patterns of gold leaf. Being the first of its kind anywhere, there is no other artwork in the world that took the same kind of technical prowess as this collection. Rooted in deep tradition and cultural symbolism, this contemporary piece is benevolent, kind, ascending and powerful all at once.

• 水龙,兴云雨,利万物。
• 作品注重情境的营造,龙的雕塑先取其神,再取其形。以写意方式刻画神龙跃浪而出的场景,身姿逶迤,与翻滚的浪花浑然一体,在水中忽隐忽现。
• 行龙昂首而视,神情威严,龙身回转摆动,遒劲有力。表现出一种仍凭惊涛骇浪,我主沉浮的气势。龙从深渊而出,蓄势勃发,定能展宏图大业。

Dragon Rising Baoping

Contained within this baoping, treasure bottle,
Is the vastness of the universe,
The eight summits of the land,
The resplendence of the sun, moon and stars.
Suddenly, in an
Earth-shattering moment,
The dragon rises from the mountain
Into the expansive sky.
The world is at peace.



Item No.:


Size (L×W×H):

60*22*66 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre

Limited Edition:

250 pieces (Worldwide)

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags

Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award

Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*.

* Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied).

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