LIULI Crystal Flying Purple Dragon Sculpture on Hulu Gourd, Ambition of the Heavenly Dragon
The Collection: Like both the dragon and horse, it advances fearlessly Design Description: Flying up to the skies, the dragon connects heaven and earth together with its presence and energy. The image of a dragon rising through the clouds represents expanding ambition and fearless determination. The dragon is perched upon a hulu gourd, a traditional symbol of fortune. As a whole, the design conveys a bright and fortuitous future. The overall color purple is a uniquely modern interpretation of a traditional motif, which symbolizes royalty and the grand universe. 飞龙的造型,搭配葫芦形状的背景,运用单一色彩,在琉璃工房这完全是展新的设计表现。曲颈昂首,腾跃于空中的飞龙,生动形象、栩栩如生,艺术家在作品中,再次完美展现了「龙」在中国文化中威严庄重的形象。「葫芦」常被人们视为可以趋吉避凶、延寿消灾的吉祥物,本件作品以正气凛然的龙,浮雕腾飞于祥云之上,大世界的背景运用葫芦造型设计,「神龙送褔禄」借喻“福禄”的美好世界代表,是云龙志向的美好展望。特别採用单一色系的紫色,展现「紫气东来」优雅气势与吉祥寓意。 |
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |