Crystal Flower, Peach Blossoms, Awakening of Heaven and Earth
The Collection: The Compulsion To Bloom Belongs To All That is Beautiful |
Design Concept: This art piece captures the fleeting moment of transition between the winter and spring seasons. A deluge of peach blossoms cascade across the focal point of the artwork, protected on either side by the purity of snow-like liuli crystal. The piece pays homage to both the awakening of a fragrant spring as well as the quietude of the winter sleep. The lifelike details of peach blossoms in high and low relief express perfectly the season’s dance-like spirit, bursting forth from the cold in that single and unforgettable moment. 以写意手法,用大面积抛光的透明琉璃来表现春雪。中心处的桃花,以定色方式突现,通过高浮雕和浅浮雕两种雕塑手法,形象地诠释春天一到,桃花争先恐后的绽放,天地间一片红艳。 ?桃花早春开放,芳华鲜美,预示春天的来临。桃花盛放时,如爆竹“炸开”一般,满山遍野而来,一夜就满是人间春色。作品抓住桃花开放的特征,一簇密集的桃花从裂缝中迸发,象征旺盛的生命力。 冬去春来,朦胧的雾雪之中,桃花静静伫立。三月飞雪,桃花正艳,这样的景致也被诗意的称为“桃花雪”。
Exquisite LIULI Gift Bags Packaging Award by Germany's iF Design Award Every art pieces comes with the gift-ready packaging including gift box & bag, product's description card, greeting card, and authentic certificate*. * Authentic certificate only comes with most art pieces at the valued of $500 and more, which include the signature of the artist, product detail, and the edition number (if applied). |