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Collection: Buddhas of the Three Treasures - Present Mindfulness

Buddhas of the Three Treasures - Present Mindfulness (Set of 3)

Amitabha Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha and Medicine Buddha are the past, present and future of cultivating peace.

It reminds us that the past is understood through learning and the present is understood through cultivation. This gives us a grasp on the future and releases us from apprehension.

三宝佛 ─ 正念当下 (三宝佛套装)

阿弥陀佛、 释迦牟尼佛、 药师佛, 是过去、现在、未来的安住修行。

提醒的是透过学习,知道过去。 透过修持,知道现在。 我们可以对未来有一种了然,没有疑惧
