Crystal Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, Present Mindfulness
The Collection: Buddha Sculptures, Buddhas of the Three Treasures |
Design Concept: Buddhas of the Three Treasures - Present Mindfulness The Buddhas of the Three Worlds are widely worshipped in Mahayana Buddhism. They serve as a constant reminder to practice goodness in body, speech, and mind; to cherish the present moment and everyone we meet; and to regard everything that happens in life as a blessing, bringing joy, peace and security. These three images, each seated in the lotus posture on a lotus throne, are based on the Buddhas of the Three Worlds in the Main Hall at Fo Guang Shan in Taiwan. In the center is Sakyamuni, who presides over the saha (endurance) world in which we live; his hands are in the meditation gesture (mudra). The historical founder of Buddhism is Sakyamuni Buddha, a title meaning “the awakened sage of the Sakya (clan).” Said to have attained enlightenment some 2,500 years ago in northern India, he spent the remaining decades of his life propagating his teaching based on meditation, sense restraint, and wholesome action in body, speech, and mind. Paying homage to his image brings inner stillness and strengthens one’s faith in the veracity of his teaching and its transformative power.
琉璃三宝佛,一身澄明,法相慈悲圆满,亦称为“三世佛”,是大乘佛教的主要崇敬对象。三宝佛是一种时刻的提醒,善心善念善行,珍惜当下,珍惜身边的人,身边的事是一种无限广阔的美好祝福与祈愿,吉祥喜乐,平平安安。艺术家以佛光山「大雄宝殿」三宝佛法相为本,恭敬制作以琉璃为材质的随身三宝佛。所谓的三宝佛:中间是释迦牟尼佛,双手作禅定印。左边是阿弥陀佛,左手作接引印,右手持莲花台。右边是药师佛,手作接引印,另一手持摩尼珠,祈愿人人平安、吉祥处处。 (中) 释迦牟尼佛,是佛教开启者。西方阿弥陀佛、东方药师佛、十方三世一切诸佛,都是释迦牟尼佛说出来的。释迦牟尼,意为释迦族出身之圣人。意思是“能仁”、“能儒”、“能忍”、“能寂”、“能满”等,又称释迦牟尼世尊。 释迦牟尼佛,引导人们身常行慈、口常行慈、意常行慈。以无量的善巧和方便说 法,令众生入佛知见,引导现世之人到达西方极乐世界。人们拜释迦牟尼佛,以 求保佑平安。 |
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